(ages 9-12)
Aligning the Mind and Heart with ART!

Children’s nervous system needs to build resiliency and learn to work with stress, the things in life they can’t control and learn to work with the things they can. Children need to build inner and outer resources that can change over time of ways to regain stability, grounding, and balance so that they can move through the challenges of life.
Teaching Growth Mindset supports both the brain and heart to work together to support a healthier way of perceiving and connecting with the world especially when it gets challenging! A Growth mindset teaches children to notice the beliefs and thoughts that lead to a fixed mindset that can get us stuck in rigidity, perfectionism, and low self- esteem. When we learn how to step into a growth mindset we learn to notice our thoughts, change how we think of ourselves and others, and how we think about mistakes and challenges. A growth mindset teaches us to accept our mistakes and challenges as part of our growth and learn from them. We can build on positive thoughts, affirmations, activities that support us along the way especially when things get tough.
Learning about our emotions, having feelings vocabulary, identifying feelings in our body, talking about our feelings and having resources to “take care of our feelings” helps us learn that emotions teach us a lot about inner life, what we care about, what we believe, and what needs to change. Learning to self soothe and identify what we need is part of caring for our emotions.
Using art in this process supports connecting with both the right and left hemispheres. Art can bring us into our feelings but also into our way of organizing, structuring, and learning about ourselves and integrating the lessons. Also, working in a group has shown to be an effective and supportive way that can builds relationship skills, social skills, trust, and create new friendships.
This group will be anywhere between 4-6 children and meeting 6 weeks biweekly for two hours.

A Growth Mindset & Heart Connections Art Group
Here are the objectives and some of the activities that will be worked on:
Week 1: What is a Growth Mindset?
• Positive Mindset vs Fixed Mindset Group Puzzle Exercise
• Growth Mindset Comic Strip Drawing
• Negative Mindset Comic Strip Drawing
• Art on Canvas- Symbols, Beliefs, Affirmations, Activities, People that support Growth Mindset.
Week 2: Growth Mindset: What do you believe?
• Fixed Mindset Checklist
• Growth Mindset Checklist
• What is your Super Powers Checklist
• Canvas ART of Super Powers
• Canvas ART of Growth Mindset Beliefs
Week 3: Your Circle Of Control
• Canvas Art: Drawing/Painting Animal w/Circle of the Things they have control in every day life.
• Canvas Art: How to manage the things they don’t have control of in every day life using affirmations, breathing, acceptance, painting, growth mindset thoughts.
Week 4: Mistakes Help you Grow, Learn and Get Better & Challenges make you Stronger!
• What mistakes are you afraid to make? What do you think about yourself when have made a mistake? Draw or write about it.
• Group Activity- Drama/Act Handling Mistakes
• Canvas ART: An Ocean of Ways to Handle Mistakes

Week 5: Heart Feelings Communicate…How to Listen
• What are Emotions, Feelings, and Sensations?
• Heart Feelings Color Exercise for Self-Awareness
• Body/Sensations Color and Connect for Self-Awareness
• Wonka and his Chocolate Creations ART! Creating candy/chocolate art with a sprinkle of growth mindset and emotions in its recipe.
Week 6: Being Kind and Grateful Helps Your Brain and Heart
• What is Kindness and What is it to be Grateful?
• Canvas ART-Kindness within your Name!
• Writing a Kind Note to someone in your life
• Canvas/Craft- Heart of Gratitude
• The 4 Elements ART- What element are you grateful for?
Group Info
What else should you know about the groups?
• This is a 6-week group that will meet 4 times in June and 2 times in July
• Ages: 9-12
• When: Wednesdays (see below)
• Time: 4pm-6pm (total of six sessions lasting 2 hours each session)
• It is important that your child attend all six sessions because each session builds upon the previous work completed. Please read the full description of objectives and activities that will be worked on during the full session above.
Agreement form:
Please read, print, and sign this form. Bring to your first session.
How much is the Aligning the Mind and Heart with Art Group?
- Total cost is $390 per participant.
- Consist of six sessions plus a one-time $25.00 flat fee for art materials.
- Payment is due by May 30, 2024.
- You are responsible for payment of ALL sessions and no refunds are given for missed sessions. No exceptions.
- Please contact Kim Valdes if you have interest in the group for your child before you sign up and make payment.