When we allow the heart to guide one’s path and the mind to follow by providing insight, knowledge, structure and organization to what your heart wants to bring forward we are aligning to what has meaning and purpose in our lives.
Here in the west, we value and trust our minds more than our hearts. Our society has developed in a way of trusting our left mode/hemisphere of thinking that is efficient, well organized, structured, and logical. This left mode of thinking has been beneficial for the growth of our society and advancements in science and technology. However, left mode/hemisphere of our brain also has an either/or perspective and when the left is not well connected to the right hemisphere of emotions, betweenness, and relatedness we begin to see the world black or white, shaping the world and how we move through things according to mechanical rules of production, completing tasks, and achievements. We need to retrain our minds to work with integrating and aligning with the right mode/hemisphere the heart to clear and heal old wounds so that we can begin listening and trusting unblocking energy held in the past and move towards our goals. We all have our own unique distinguishable and identifiable heart that is wanting to share its true nature, happiness, joy, and beauty so that we may live resonating with our authentic and unique being and purpose in the world.
Here are activities/themes we will work on:
- A Holistic and Spiritual View of Anxiety and Depression
- The Authentic Self & the Conditioned Self
- Setting Goals & Intentions
- Spiritual Biography
- Building a Spiritual Connection
- Building a Meditation Practice
- Lotus Approach to Healing Thoughts and Beliefs (journaling/painting)
- Transforming False Beliefs
- Self-Nurturing & Self Love as Part of Healing Process
- Building Emotional Boundaries
- Sacred Ritual for Healing the Heart and Manifesting Dreams-Despacho and/or Dream Board
- Break Through Method for Anxiety
- Holistic Approach to Trauma Healing